How do you unravel complex illness?
My typical new patient has generally been to numerous physicians, including experienced specialists such as rheumatologists, neurologists, and gastroenterologists, without a clear understanding or unified theory of what may be causing their illness.
I don’t believe I’m more intelligent than every other physician my patients have previously consulted - it is really my approach that differs. First, there is no substitute for careful listening and piecing together the clues that come from obtaining a very detailed medical history, and reviewing any medical workup that has previously been completed. This generally takes hours (not minutes) of a physician’s time and this kind of approach does not fit well within 3rd party payer/ insurance-driven healthcare. One needs the “whole picture” to understand the underlying cause(s).
We are all individuals, driven by a unique set of genetic and environmental factors that contribute to our health or disease. As the ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates, said “It’s far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has.”
I do NOT believe in the idea that “nothing can be done” for an individual with autism spectrum disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or other mysterious syndromes. These diagnoses are often based on a set of symptoms, not on any kind of understanding of the biological underpinnings driving the condition. There is always an underlying cause(s) and, if identifiable, it is often remediable to a great extent.
In instances when we cannot establish a unified cause or completely reverse damage caused by a disease process, we can instead focus on optimizing a patient’s functional health, and we often do so by using biomarkers (laboratory indices) that are objective, measurable, and treatable. I utilize cutting-edge laboratory testing, including Cyrex Laboratories, Genova Diagnostics, Infecto-Lab, and Great Plains Laboratories.
Physicians who specialize in complexity have the opportunity to see the “canaries in the coal mine” - our fellow humans who are the most sensitive to an increasingly toxic environment, including greater exposure to toxic industrial chemicals, pesticides, and electromagnetic fields. I believe that a great society cares for the weakest and most vulnerable of us, and that includes those whose unique biology puts them at the greatest risk for poor health.
Finally, while I love the intellectual challenge of working with complexity, I also enjoy treating patients with conditions that are more common, whether their concerns are as routine as high blood pressure, thyroid issues, anxiety and depression, or the need to reach a healthier weight.
I look forward to working with you and your family on your journey to optimize your health and well-being.